
Our chapter is structured into several branches: philanthropy, volunteering, diversity and inclusion, apparel, marketing, academic, recruitment and retention, and social.

Volunteering Committee

Members of PhiDE are dedicated to serving their campus and local community through volunteering opportunities. Every semester, Phi Delta Epsilon establishes partnerships with new organizations to give members a large amount of volunteer opportunities to chose from. From Adopt-A-Highway to Relay for Life, there are always plenty of opportunities for members to make a difference in their communities. Current opportunities include Middle Way House volunteering, tutoring, and course reviews.

Philanthropy Committee

Every member of Phi Delta Epsilon understands the importance of philanthropy. Indiana Alpha's philanthropy is the local Children's Miracle Network Hospital: Riley Hospital for Children. Every year, Phi Delta Epsilon fundraises over $1,000 for the children's hospital. This money makes care possible for children whose families may not be able to afford it otherwise.

Academic Branch

Members actively mentor and tutor each other to ensure that each individual is able to reach their dream medical schools. Members have the opportunity to be exposed to various lectures, suture clinics, hospital tours, and medical school tours. This exposure keeps the passion to commit to a career of lifelong learning alive and strong. Members of Phi Delta Epsilon Indiana Alpha who are accepted at medical schools that have a Phi Delta Epsilon chapter are automatically members of that chapter upon arriving, thus presenting them with a new array of opportunities before orientation even begins.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Branch

The diversity, equity, and inclusion branch is tasked with making our chapter as inclusive and as supportive as possible for all members. They hold events such as cultural potlucks, ethics workshop collabs, and important topic discussions.

Marketing/PR Branch

The marketing branch is responsible for all public relations and creating an image for Phi Delta Epsilon on campus. They are responsible for creating and coordinating advertising for all PhiDE events including rush. This branch also extends to historian and webmaster roles.

Apparel Committee

The apparel team is in charge of creating amazing designs and apparel each fall and spring as well as for the new rush class with bid day shirts. Apparel has included jackets, hats, stickers, water bottles, shirts, socks, and more.

Recruitment and Retention Committee

This committee is in charge of planning and carrying out recruitment and membership-related events and activities including rush week and Big-Little Olympics. Recruitment committee members will be required to attend the majority of rush events and are involved in the decisions of who is admitted to the fraternity. Additionally, members of this committee will be the primary members to carry out recruitment-related activities such as chalking and making classroom announcements. The recruitment committee works in conjunction with the Apparel/PR committee in determining what types of information to include on rush week materials.

Social Committee

The social committee promotes comradery within the fraternity by organizing (and going to) social events. The possibilities are endless; ice cream socials, movie nights, board game nights, pizza parties, Formal, laser tag, and more.