Phi Delta Epsilon

IN Alpha Chapter

Indiana’s Only Premed, All-Inclusive Fraternity.

The Indiana Alpha Family

Phi Delta Epsilon is the only professional medical fraternity that exists at Indiana University. Since its charter in 2012, the Indiana Alpha chapter has flourished into a family of passionate, driven, and like-minded individuals that continues to grow every day. Its members create a community of support so no member has to face the challenges of being a pre-medical student alone. The members of Indiana Alpha are role models who define excellence in coursework, research, leadership, and involvement.

Upon induction, every new member is paired with a big and in turn, becomes part of a family tree that can be traced back to Indiana Alpha's origins. The strong familial bond between members is part of what sets Phi Delta Epsilon apart from other organizations at Indiana University. Phi Delta Epsilon's emphasis on family turns strangers into lifelong friends.

The 12th Executive Board

Newen Antinao (VP of Programming), Andrea Moloci (VP of Finance), Kate Ulyett (President) Mya Miller (VP of Recruitment), Alexis Hanna (Secretary/Risk Management Officer)


Message From Our President

Welcome to Phi Delta Epsilon’s IN Alpha chapter at Indiana University, the first and only International Medical Fraternity in the state of Indiana. Pre-medical students of all majors across IU’s diverse campus are invited to attend our recruitment events which are held at the beginning of each semester. Please see our website’s section on recruitment for more specific information about the process.

Coming to Indiana University as an out-of-state student 2,000 miles away from my family, I quickly realized the importance of peer support, encouragement, and guidance in college. When I fully committed to being a pre-medical student after my freshman year, I knew that I wanted to find a smaller community at IU with students going through the same experiences and challenges that I was.

As a member of PhiDE, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing the incredible diversity of skills, personalities, and talents of my peers, who have all been so inspiring and affirming during my pre-medical path. Being a part of a larger community that exists to support each other has made such a difference in my college experience, both academically and personally. What starts as receiving advice from older students develops into giving advice to younger students as you mature through this organization, which I’ve found to be an incredibly rewarding and worthwhile experience. I can always spot a familiar face in class and around campus, which has helped to make a large school like IU feel smaller. The amazing friendships and unforgettable memories that I’ve made through PhiDE have truly been some of the highlights of my college experience!

Our fraternity’s mission is to foster an inclusive community amongst students navigating the daunting pre-medical path. We are committed to supporting our fellow members as well as our local Bloomington community. Educational efforts such as academic workshops, medical school preparation, and extracurricular presentations promote academic achievement. PhiDE encourages a balance in our busy lives, and social events such as bonfires, movie nights, and attending IU sporting events help create this balance. Our philanthropic endeavors assist the Riley Hospital for Children, and volunteer opportunities such as Narcan kit building and food drives aid the Bloomington community.

We affirm that each member contributes to the supporting culture of our organization. As future physicians, we believe every person must be treated with respect and equity, and our chapter as a whole is committed to equal opportunity. I can confidently say that this fraternity has not only given me the resources necessary to succeed on this pre-medical journey, but also friendships I will cherish for years to come.

I am so excited to meet you all during Recruitment, and if you have any questions please feel free to email me at!


Kate Ulyett

12th IN Alpha President